Aged Care
Max180 - Surface Mounted Medical Services Panels (MSPs)
Medical Single GPO, 10A, Double USB Type A or Type C w/ Circuit ID, Power Available Neon, Double Pole Switch
Night Light, Driver
RCD Panel Mounted, 20A, 10mA, Vert
Cover Plate & Mounting Frame
Mounting Frames
Cover Plates
Grid Plates, 3 or 4 Gang, Lge Plate, Uni
Grid Plates, 1 or 2 Gang, Std Plate, Uni
Night light, Std Plate, Uni
Lge Switch Medical GPOs, 10A, Lge Plate, Uni
Lge Switch Medical GPOs, 10A, Std Plate, Vert
Lge Switch Medical GPOs, 10A or 15A, Std Plate, Horz
Lge Switch Standard GPOs, 10A, Lge Plate, Uni
Lge Switch Standard GPOs, 10A, Std Plate, Vert
Lge Switch Standard GPOs, 10A or 15A, Std Plate, Horz
Dimmer / Fan Control Mechanisms
Switch & Dimmer Mech Provision, 2/4 Gang, Horz & Vert
Switch Mechanisms, 16A, 1 Gang, 2-Way, Std Plate
Switch Assemblies, 16A, 3 or 4 Gang, Lge Plate, Uni
Switch Assemblies, 16A, 1 or 2 Gang, Std Plate, Vert
Switch Assemblies, 16A, 1 or 2 or 3 Gang, Std Plate, Horz
Double GPO, 10A c/w RCD, 10 or 30mA, Vert
AlphaMax - Recessed Medical Services Panels (MSPs)
Medical Area Signs
Medical Lighting (Provita)
Grid Surrounds, 1 or 2 or 3 Gang, Horz or Vert
Grid Plate, 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 Gang with Circuit Id Provision, Hortz or Vert
Fire and Acoustic Rated Wall Box
Plate Mounting Accessories, 2 or 3 or 4 Gang, Horz or Vert
Metal Wall Board Clip, 1 Gang
Grid Plate, 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 6 Gang, Horiz or Vert
Grid Adaptor Keystone
Grid Adaptor Systimax/Panduit
Circuit Identification Label Kit
Single GPO, 10A or 15A, Horiz or Vert
Double GPO, 10 or 15A, Horiz or Vert
Cleaners Outlet 10A or 15A, Horz
Medical Double GPO, 10A or 15A, Horz or Vert
Medical GPO, 10A or 15A, Horz or Vert
Double GPO, 10A c/w RCD, 10 or 30mA
Cleaners Double GPO, 10A c/w RCD, 10mA
RCD, 20A, 10 or 30mA, Horiz
RCD, 20A, 10 or 30mA, Vert
Grid Plate Blank Mech (suits OSPL range)
USB Type A or Type C Charger, 2A
Medical Single GPO, 10A, Double USB Type A or Type C w/ Circuit ID, Power Available Neon, Double Pole Switch
Switch Mechanism, Bell Press, 250V 15A
ENDURABOX64, 64mm Deep, 4 Power, 8 Data, 257 X 251 X 64mm
Duct – Vertical Services Columns (Spacepole Series)
Duct - Skirting & Bench (AOL Series)
Duct - Galvanised (WD Series)
Double GPO, 10A, Double USB Type A or Type C w/ Circuit ID, Horz
EnduraBox Accessories
ENDURA98, 98mm Deep, 257 X 251 X 98mm
ENDURAR1 - Rect, 90mm Deep, 8 Power, 287 X 198 X 90mm
ENDURARD - Rnd 97mm Deep, 307 Dia X 97mm
ENDURAMINI, 90mm Deep, 4 Power, 198 X 197 X 90mm
ENDURABOX64, 64mm Deep, 4 Power, 6 Data, 257 X 251 X 64mm
Gnome & Super Gnome Series, Floor & Riser Outlets
Brass Cable Markers
SWITCHWAY Panel Sets, Complete Kit – Plate, Grid, Wall Box, Switch mechs 15A S/P – with and without label provision
Grid Surrounds, 1 or 2 or 3 Gang, Horz or Vert
Fire and Acoustic Rated Wall Box
Plate Mounting Accessories, 2 or 3 or 4 Gang, Horz or Vert
Metal Wall Board Clip, 1 Gang
Circuit Identification Label Kit
Single GPO, 10A or 15A, Horiz or Vert
Double GPO, 10 or 15A, Horiz or Vert
Switch Mechanism, 15A
Hospital & Healthcare
Max180 - Surface Mounted Medical Services Panels (MSPs)
Grid Plate Blank Mech (suits OSPL range)
Audible Visual Alarm Module 240V a.c. Vertical, Panel Mounted
USB Type A or Type C Charger, 2A
Medical Single GPO, 10A, Double USB Type A or Type C w/ Circuit ID, Power Available Neon, Double Pole Switch
Audible Visual Alarm Module 240V a.c. Vertical, Panel Mounted
Switch Mechanism, Bell Press, 250V 15A
RCD Panel Mounted, 20A, 10mA, Vert
Modular Services Wall (MSW)
Double GPO, 10A c/w RCD, 10 or 30mA, Vert
Double GPO, 10A, Double USB Type A or Type C w/ Circuit ID, Horz
Surgical Tool Control Panels
Medical Gas Alarm Panels
Medical Gas Hose Assemblies & Fittings
Medical Gas Isolation Valve Boxes
Medical Gas Outlets
AlphaMax - Recessed Medical Services Panels (MSPs)
Medical Area Signs
Unirail: Equipment Mounting Rail
Line Isolation Devices and Monitoring
Equipotential Junction (EPJ) Panels & Test Points
Medical Lighting (Provita)
Dialysis Patient Services Systems
ConnecT Series, Intermediate Surround, Horiz & Vert
ConnecT Series, Stop End, Horiz & Vert
Grid Surrounds, 1 or 2 or 3 Gang, Horz or Vert
Grid Plate, 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 Gang with Circuit Id Provision, Hortz or Vert
Plate for 22.5mm Keyway Switch
Fire and Acoustic Rated Wall Box
Plate Mounting Accessories, 2 or 3 or 4 Gang, Horz or Vert
Metal Wall Board Clip, 1 Gang
Grid Plate, 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 6 Gang, Horiz or Vert
Blank Plate
Grid Adaptor Keystone
Grid Adaptor Systimax/Panduit
Circuit Identification Label Kit
Single GPO, 10A or 15A, Horiz or Vert
Double GPO, 10 or 15A, Horiz or Vert
Audible Visual Alarm Monitor 240V a.c. Vert
Cleaners Outlet 10A or 15A, Horz
UPS Status Indicator, Vert
Gas Outlet Grid Plate punched to suit Esco MGO PGS/VS/VGS
Gas Outlet Grid Plate punched to suit Esco MGO
Stainless Steel Plate, Grid and Wall Box, 1/2/3/4/5/6/7 Gang Panel
Medical Double GPO, 10A or 15A, Horz or Vert
Medical GPO, 10A or 15A, Horz or Vert
Panel Mount, 10A or 15A, Horiz
Switch Mechanism, 15A
Panel Mount, 10A or 15A, Sgl or Dbl Pole, Vert
Double GPO, 10A c/w RCD, 10 or 30mA
Cleaners Double GPO, 10A c/w RCD, 10mA
RCD, 20A, 10 or 30mA, Horiz
RCD, 20A, 10 or 30mA, Vert
Mental Health
Max180 - Surface Mounted Medical Services Panels (MSPs)
Grid Plate, 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 Gang, Solid Plate, Circuit ID, Hortz or Vert, Tamper Proof
RCD, 20A, 10 or 30mA, Vert, Tamper Proof
RCD, 20A, 10 or 30mA, Horiz, Tamper Proof
Cleaners DoubleGPO, 10A c/w RCD, 10mA, Tamper Proof
Double GPO, 10A c/w RCD, 10 or 30mA, Tamper Proof
Double GPO, 10A c/w RCD, 10 or 30mA, Vert, Tamper Proof
Secure Services Panels (SSPs)
Single & Double GPO, 10A, Solid Plate, Circuit ID, Horz
Single & Double Medical GPO, 10A, Solid Plate, Circuit ID, Horz
AlphaMax - Recessed Medical Services Panels (MSPs)
Medical Area Signs
RCD, 20A, 10 or 30mA, Vert, Tamper Proof
RCD, 20A, 10 or 30mA, Horiz, Tamper Proof
Cleaners DoubleGPO, 10A c/w RCD, 10mA, Tamper Proof
Double GPO, 10A c/w RCD, 10 or 30mA, Tamper Proof
Double GPO, 10A c/w RCD, 10 or 30mA, Vert, Tamper Proof
Secure Services Panels (SSPs)
Single & Double GPO, 10A, Solid Plate, Circuit ID, Horz
Single & Double Medical GPO, 10A, Solid Plate, Circuit ID, Horz
Medical Area Signs